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AI-Tek Instruments

FLW, Inc. is the LARGEST stocking distributor of AI-Tek Instruments (formerly Airpax Instruments) and provides a complete line of tachometers, speed indicators, variable reluctance speed sensors, magneto-resistive and hall effect sensors to measure rotary speed.

AI-Tek Instruments makes hundreds of types of speed sensors. Three technologies are used: variable reluctance, magneto-resistive and hall effect to convert motion into an electronic signal. In addition to the full range of speed sensors, FLW offers electronic indicators and controllers as well as a full range of other accessories.

Please contact FLW, Inc for application or commercial assistance for any AI-Tek product.

Speed Sensors

Bidirectional Speed Sensors

aitek instruments bidirectional speed sensors

Hall Effect Speed Sensors

aitek instruments hall effect speed sensors

Passive Magnetic Speed Sensors

aitek instruments passive speed sensors



aitek instruments tachometers

Tachometer Transducers

aitek instruments tachometer transducers


Cabling & Connectors

aitek instruments accessories cabling

Mounting Brackets

aitek instruments accessories mounting brackets
AI-Tek Tachometers & Speed Sensors

We're happy to help.

We know speed and frequency. As AI-Tek's largest distributor with experienced product specialists, we can help answer your tough application questions.